
Saturday, December 13, 2014 | Stamp in My Passport|| 1 Comment

I'm so excited that you are interested 
in sponsoring Stamp in my Passport! 
All sponsorship proceeds will go directly 
into promoting Stamp in my Passport on other blogs, 
which will drive more traffic to both of our sites. 
It's a win-win situation. 

I blog about travel, entertainment, food
and transitioning from college to the real world. 
Sound like your topics? If so, I would love to work with you!

Stats as of  12/13/2014: 

Bloglovin: 624
Twitter: 543 
Facebook: 235

I am also open to writing reviews for products 
that I love and would use in real life. 
If you are a shop owner, email me at 
with more information and I would be happy to work 
with you to develop the best promotional strategy.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Hey Jess,
I couldn't find an email to contact you at, so I thought I'd just leave you a comment here.
We swapped ads a little while back and I thought of you when I was nominated for Liebster Award. I was given 10 questions to answer. I then came up with my own 10 questions for you to answer!

Okay so here is how this works, on your blog answer the following 10 questions I left for you in my post:
Give me a shout out on your blog and link back to both my YouTube channel and my blog. Then choose your own ten nominees who give you a shout out...and so on and so forth.

I hope you decide to join in!