Weekly Wishes for a New Year

Monday, December 30, 2013 | Stamp in My Passport| |

Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 has come and gone and what do I have to show for it? Graduation, trips to LA and NYC, reviving this blog and top my list. I am not one for New Year's resolutions, but I do know the value of setting goals and dreams and writing them down. It helps to give you purpose and track your progress. Whether you want to set weekly, monthly or yearly goals is up to you, but it's important to write them down. That way, at the end of the time, you can look back and see if you accomplished them or if they are still a work in progress. 

I am guilty as charged of living for the weekend. Every day I compartmentalize my time and say "well if I can just make it to the end of class/work" or "if I can just make it to Friday" and then all of a sudden, another week is gone. This also applies to the year too. 

So I say all of that to say, whatever your views of New Year's Resolutions, write at least one big picture goal for yourself for 2014 (emphasis on writing down, to hold you more accountable). And then take it one step farther. Figure out the steps you need to take to reach this goal and what the best ways are to go about accomplishing it. 

So one of my goals for 2014 is to improve my photography skills. That is all well and good, but if I don't make time in my days to work on it and make it a part of my routine, then the likelihood of sitting in this same spot in 2015 and feeling accomplished is slim to none. Other ways to go about working toward this goal include: making an effort to carry my camera with me at all times and reading all of Rachel's tutorials.

As January rolls in again, you have another theoretical blank slate. While you still have to live with the choices you made in years past, the new year is a great time to try and change your habits. Best of luck making 2014 everything you would like it to be.

And now, back to you originally scheduled programming.

My goals last week were to unpack my car and watch as many Christmas movies as possible. I am pleased to say that I accomplished one of those. Can you guess which one? In my defense, I was out of town most of the week, so I didn't have a lot of time to move the last few boxes from my trunk. As for Christmas movies, I finally sat down and watched A Christmas Story all the way through (and, shamefully, The Sound of Music, which I had never seen the ending to.) Now if only I could say the same about It's A Wonderful Life, which I have had on VHS for years. 

And now for my 2014 goals: 

1// Find a job. And move out of my childhood room.

2// Read more for fun. School put this hobby on the back burner, but I would love to get back in the habit of reading an actual book instead of my Twitter feed before bed. 

3// Put my Pinterest boards to use. I have enough crafty ideas, design ideas and fashion ideas to last well through 2014. 

4// Take lots of trips. Both big and small.

5// My goal for Stamp in my Passport is to redefine it's subject. It started as a travel blog, but time and money get in the way, so it's time to reevaluate what I want to write about. Unless you enjoy the seemingly random assortment of thoughts and ideas that run through my head. If so, please let me know because I would hate to disappoint you. 

linking up with Melyssa for weekly wishes as usual.


Katie Winn said...

Stopping by from Weekly Wishes! Your blog is lovely! I graduated not too long ago with my degree in PR, go journalism! Good luck with the job search and being an adult, it's definitely tough but worth every minute. As hard as it was to get settled after college, I wouldn't go back at all. Good luck with all your goals, I'm sure you can reach them all!

LifeChangesii said...

Some of my goals are to get better at photography and take lots of trips as well. I too started a semi travel blog but it is about my journey to start traveling. And I agree with your #5 I sometimes think that people don't want to hear about my random thoughts as well. So it is more of a travel/lifestyle blog right now.

Angela Wiebe said...

Good luck with your 2014 goals! I hope they each come true!! Including the blog direction! Just make it what you want and don't care about others.

Elizabeth Mayberry said...

I love you goals! :) find a job is an exciting one! and so it take lots of trips! remember just little adventures can be great getaways as well!!

Christine said...

I could pretty much copy/paste your goals and pass them off as mine, so just know that I'm in your corner and cheering you on :) It took me about a month after finishing up my school semester before I picked up a book for fun, cause lord knows there's nothing like university education to kill the joy of reading… But I'm now on a reading frenzy again, and totally loving it! Doesn't hurt that I just discovered John Green.
Aaaanyway, good luck with your goals, is what I'm trying to say! ;)

Megan said...

Number 2 was my goal this year! College had really beaten the fun out of reading. It wasn't until this summer when I made myself sit down and read whatever I wanted to read. I didn't let what would be acceptable for a creative writing major to read get in my way. And now I like cozy mystery novels... who knew? As a tip, start reading for fun by reading short novels. I found that reading fantasy and young adult made it easier to enjoy the book and keep reading. Then I was able to get into books with higher page counts.

Jess Boyd said...

I don't know what it is about having to read 50 pages a night for textbooks that makes reading for fun so difficult? Such a great tip to start small. I have been trying to read Anna Karennina for 2 years now and am still only halfway through. But somehow I was able to read through all 5 books in the Mortal Instruments series in a week. Go figure.

Jess Boyd said...

Well we can encourage each other then! And I'm right there with you on John Green. Even though I had to keep a box of tissues with me at all times when reading The Fault in our Stars. Can't wait for the movie to come out this year!

Jess Boyd said...

Thanks! I am all about day trips (because my bank account can't afford airfare unless it's Southwest and hotels unless it's Holiday Inn haha.)

Jess Boyd said...

Thanks so much! Once you start writing for other people, it looses it's appeal and joy...definitely something to keep in mind for myself.

Jess Boyd said...

That is so great! I look forward to reading through your archives and following along this year. I wish I had started before I studied abroad instead of recapping some of my favorite trips afterwards. I journaled throughout the experience pretty regularly, but wish I had kept up online. Best of luck to you too!

Jess Boyd said...

I always love finding other PR grads! Supposedly it is one of the growing careers this year, probably with all of the media scandals that have been going on, companies are finally realizing that they need a trained communication specialist handling their responses and being proactive to prevent them. Crossing my fingers!