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FYI this is not the Airbnb apartment I stayed at. But how cute is it? |
Airbnb is under fire from the hotel industry. And honestly, I think the hotels are throwing a hissy fit because now they have competition. If anything, they should learn from the popularity of Airbnb and consider lowering their rates in popular urban areas. Maybe then they would take back some of their business. But what do I know about this?
I've only had one experience with Airbnb. And it was wonderful. I would never have been able to visit NYC for a week if I had to pay for a hotel room. FOr $90 per night (divided 3 ways) I got an 800 sq ft one bed/one bath apartment with a terrace. Can you give me that Marriot? I don't think so. While I ended up staying a little farther out of town than I would have liked, I was still close to everytihng I needed. My host actually lived in the building and was available to answer any questions that came up and even met us at the subway stop to make sure we were able to find the building ok. The apartment was spotlessss and the kitchen came fully equipped to make meals. Since it wasn't someone's actual home, it had the perfect amount of lived in vs. clutter.
Given the opportunity, I would find a place to stay through Airbnb, no questions asked. And here's why:
It allows you to visit urban areas without paying a fortune on lodging.
When you are traveling, do you want to spend the majority of your money on a hotel that you sleep and shower in? Or do you want to spend it on visiting attractions, or more importantly to me, eating at really good restaurants. That is a no brainer to me.
Like I mentioned earlier, this should be a wake up call to the hotel industry.
Hotel prices in popular destinations are outrageous. And, before, they could get away with highway robbery because they didn't have any competition. We live in a free market, and I understand why they see it as a little unfair that Airbnb hosts are not subjected to all of the regulations as they are, but I think this is the time for the hotel industry to rethink their age-old business model.
You get to live like a local and experience real neighborhoods.
I stayed in Washington Heights. Which is not a tourist attraction by any means. But it was interesting to see how New Yorkers really live. Not everything is the upper east side or the village (as much as I wish it was...) Since I had a kitchen I was able to cook a few meals and order Chinese take out on a few nights it was too rainy and cold to want to stay out.
Finally, the hosts are able to make extra money.
If you are willing to live with strangers for a short period of time or are willing to let people take over your apartment while you're out of town, then this is genius. If you are able to rent out your apartment while you travel, you may just break even and travel for free.
What are your thoughts on Airbnb vs. the hotel industry/cities wanting more taxes? It resembles a David vs. Goliath match up to me.
I love Airbnb and feel much safer booking a room there than staying with a couchsurfing host. Though I have to admit there are many airbnb hosts in popular areas who charge extraordinary fees for a tiny room just because they can......Nonetheless I booked all my accomodation for my upcoming roundtrip through Scandinavia with airbnb and I think I made quite a good deal with most of them!
We are in the middle of planning a trip and I have been looking at airbnb but have no experience with this so it is great to hear from someone who has experience with it!
I have not stayed with Airbnb but the more I read about it through various bloggers, the more I find that it would be a great idea! I'm all for it.
I haven't stayed with Airbnb yet, but the more I read about it, the more I think I need to seriously re-evaluate my travel plans. This certainly would have been a much more enjoyable option to some of the hostels I've stayed at for around the same price! And I think you are so right--why spend money where you are just going to sleep and shower and instead save it for a really good meal? xx
I have never tried AirBNB but I have only good things and plan to look into it next time we travel. I agree, it's genius! And there ain't nothing wrong with a little competition for the hotels!
I had friends use AirBnb when we were backpacking in Europe, and I so regret not taking advantage of it! Hostels can feel busy and cramped and nice hotels for cheap prices don't really exist anymore. This is such a sweet alternative!
This sounds awesome - I have only heard really great things about it! Where in NYC did you stay?
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
I stayed in Washington Heights (which is not glamorous by any means). It is north of Harlem, and just a few blocks from The Cloisters. But the building was nice and the owner was so helpful, which is what I was more concerned with! And the price...you can't beat that.
I know right! There are some great places in Europe to take advantage of. Wish I would have known about it sooner too. I'm still a little skeptical about just renting a room, I would rather pay a little extra and get the entire apartment, especially since I'm always traveling in a semi-large group.
It really is worth considering, especially if you are visiting a large city...and if you ever go to Europe, it is all the rage there for travelers.
Airbnb trumps hostels in my opinion. Especially if you are traveling with 3 or 4 people and can divide the cost.
It is definitely worth looking into what is available in the area you are visiting!
Thanks for the tip! I'm planning a trip to Norway and Sweden in the next year or so...glad to know there are a lot of good airbnb options to check in to! And I agree on the whole couchsurfing thing...especially as a female I'd be super leery about that option.
Haha, that was definitely my weakness - I hardly ever traveled with big groups! Somewhat easier for logistics, but much more difficult to split an apartment. :]]]
We looked into Airbnb for Japan, but we ended up finding a good deal on a hotel & opted for that instead. I do want to stay in one sometime soon though! It is such a great concept & love how it can make things much more affordable. The next time I decide to go to NYC, I will definitely be looking into it! Great place to live like the locals do.
xoxo Jess
Foreign Room
i think it really depends on where you are looking to visit. some cities have amazing places to stay and great deals, and others have some duds. i think it always helps if you speak the same language as your host as well too.
When I travel I have been using one of the now popular online hotel aggregator websites like http://www.reservationshopper.com to make comparing hotel rates easier. I have found this site to deliver up the best deals with significant savings on hotel rooms.
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