We found out about the color run while we were still studying abroad in Paris.
I saw the video and was so excited about it that i told Sam and Jess right away.
They thought it was pretty neat so we decided that we would all do it once we got back.
Fast forward to the future...
Now back in the states we tried to find the closest location to our school in Arkansas...
Which ended up being Memphis, Tennessee!
The cost for the run was $35 but if you wait too long it jumps up to $45-$50,
so if you want to do it, sign up early!!
Jess and I had signed up but Samantha forgot and by the time we reminded her the price had jumped, so Sam decided to just be the picture taker at the race! :)
In the end Sam wasn't even able to go
because of some BIG news she will share with you in her next blog.
Keep an eye out for that!
So we get to memphis early as stated in the blog earlier, you can read the start to our day here:
There was so much excitement in the air, we were all jumping around and so excited to get it started.
To give you an idea of how many people were there...they had us start the race
in sections of 1500 people at a time!
Yes, that's a LOT of people. I think the final tally was over 10,000...but we think it was more!
The run took us around a few blocks in the memphis area, there were cars driving around us, people staring, and people clapping for us. Which kind of makes you feel super important when people are lining the streets cheering for you...
Or they are cheering for their people but you pretend they are cheering for you.
Take a look at some of the pictures from the day!
This is before the color, look how clean we are!!!
So clean.....squeaky clean!!!!
And this is after the color
not so clean anymore
We are completely colorfied

Notice a mustache in this picture....because i totally had a green mustache...
and a unibrow under my glasses...
the color run will make you look cool until you take your glasses off....
then you just look like a freak!!!
So what do you do after being completely covered from head to toe in color????
Go out to eat...duhhh!
We went to the famous BBQ restaurant Corky's after the race, and we go some strange looks considering there were about 7 of us in head to toe color, mustaches and unibrows were present!
Our waitress was HILARIOUS...she asked us if we had running water at home??? and she basically made fun of us the whole time, it was so fun!!
Did i mention they put us back in a corner booth behind a wall....haha
Not sure if that was on purpose or not..
I mean look at us, we are beautiful....
There you have it, the "Happiest 5K on the Planet"
And their not kidding around.
If you haven't watched our video of the color run go here:
We already have almost 200 views!!! :-)
If you get the chance to do the color run you should do it
No skill required, you do not have to be a runner.
We walked half the time.
YOU CAN DO IT...and you SHOULD do it!!!! :)
Any color runners want to share their story with us??? We'd love to hear it!!
you are such cute girls! nothing says i finished a 5k like a well deserved bowl of mac and cheese!
Thanks Ainsley, It was like a prize for finishing, a mac-n-cheese prize haha!! Thanks for visiting the blog, hope to see you around some more :-)
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