The Color Run

Sunday, October 14, 2012 | Stamp in My Passport||

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Yesterday Jess and myself participated in the Memphis Color run.

We woke up at 4:40 A.M. so that we could have a bowl of cereal before we headed out at 5:00 A.M.
It's a 2 hour drive to Memphis and the race started at 9:00 and we still needed to check in, get packets, get shirts, and sweat bands and the list goes on and on, so we left a bit early!

And because we are A+ bloggers we wanted to capture some special moments from our colorful adventure! Which brings us to our main point of this particular blog.

Jess and I created the video in about an hour using all of the clips we both collected.
I posted it to The Color Run's Facebook fan page and this is what they said 
"Emily...WOW!!! This is amazing!!! It's official you gave us the chills. Loved every second of that video...fantastic work" 
SO....with that being said you should also watch it!!!
We do think it's pretty fantastic!! 
p.s. they have over 500,000 fans and took the time to say something so nice about OUR video...
we were pretty excited...

This is what we looked like before the color...
Be sure to check back in tomorrow for Emily's story of our weekend festivities,
and to catch some after the color pictures!!!
